Tag Archives: environmentalists

Is Climate Change Real? The Pentagon Sure Thinks So – NBC News.com

https://www.plasmacor.com/ – Is Climate Change Real? The Pentagon Sure Thinks So. I would think that if such a well known and respected institution like the pentagon makes a statement, like climate change, that it would be considered a fact and not an opinion anymore, or at least make some people consider it. But it seems […]


Get a Reality Check on the Antarctic Meltdown and Rising Sea Level – NBC News.com

https://www.plasmacor.com/ – Reality Check on the Antarctic Meltdown and Rising Sea Level. This article tries to downplay the urgency of this event, which is fine, but nonetheless it is happening, and for the people who say “of course”, there are still a lot of people who do not believe in climate change is man made. […]


West Antarctic Ice Sheet’s Collapse Triggers Sea Level Warning – NBC News.com

https://www.plasmacor.com/ – How West Antarctic Ice Sheet’s Collapse Triggers a Sea Level Warning. Now, you ignore this, or simply attribute it to something that happens due to nature, but thing is that such things are happening all over the world. There is no sacrifice involved to make a difference, just a different thinking method. Do […]


Climate Blues: How Environmentalists Chill Out in a Warming World – NBC News.com

How Environmentalists Chill out in a Warming World, with all the different environmental reactions and issues, which is something that will only continue since we do not know the real impact of these changes. And the further we ignore this the more we will have to deal with, and find solutions for. Our building material […]
